Final Surge now has full integration with Zwift, allowing athletes to push planned cycling and running workouts to Zwift as well as sync completed workouts from Zwift to the Final Surge calendar. Zwift integration.
There are two ways to push planned structured workouts to Zwift. You can manually push single workouts from the Final Surge app to Zwift, or you can turn on the Auto-Sync feature within the Final Surge app which will automatically push down your next 4 days of planned structured workouts to Zwift each night.
Read below on how to set up the connection and enable the workout sync between Final Surge and Zwift.
Connecting Final Surge to Zwift
To set up the Zwift connection, open the Final Surge app and tap on the More menu (…) at the bottom of the app. From the More menu, click on Connected Apps:

From the Connected Apps page, tap on Zwift:

When the Zwift sync account screen opens, tap on the “Sync Accounts” button at the bottom of this screen.

You will then be taken to a Zwift login page. Log into your Zwift account to make the connection and grant access to the required privileges:

Once you have successfully connected your account, the Zwift sync account screen within Final Surge will display “Synced”. You can then click the “Done” link in the top left corner to return to the Connected Apps page.

Now that you have connected the accounts, all completed Zwift workouts will automatically sync to your Final Surge calendar.
Disconnecting Final Surge and Zwift
To disconnect the platforms, log in to your account profile page on, and then click on the Connections page:

From there, find Final Surge in the list of connected accounts and click on the Disconnect link:

This will disconnect your Final Surge account from Zwift, and you will no longer be able to push planned structured workouts to Zwift or receive completed workouts on your Final Surge calendar.
Creating Compatible Cycling Workouts for Zwift – Must use % FTP
For cycling workouts created in Final Surge to be compatible with Zwift, you must create each step using Duration and % FTP (no distance steps or targets using absolute power or zones). Zwift supports all types of steps (Warm Up, Active, Rest, Cool Down and Ramps). You can also create “Freeride” steps that have a duration but no % FTP targets.

Additionally, your cycling FTP in Final Surge is not used when a workout is pushed to Zwift. Final Surge will allow Zwift to use the FTP that you have stored within Zwift for these workouts. That way if you need to adjust your FTP right before you start the workout, you can do so within Zwift without have to adjust it in Final Surge and then having to push down the updated workout.
Creating Compatible Running Workouts for Zwift – Must use % Threshold Pace
Running workouts within Zwift are very similar to cycling workouts, however you must enter your Threshold Pace in Final Surge. Zwift requires this to calculate your running pace correctly so they will match what you see when you build the workout in Final Surge.

For running workouts created in Final Surge to be compatible with Zwift, you must create each step using Duration and % Threshold Pace (no distance steps or targets using absolute paces or zones). Zwift supports all types of steps (Warm Up, Active, Rest, Cool Down and Ramps). You can also create “Freerun” steps that have a duration but no % Threshold Pace targets.

Turning on Auto-Sync for Planned Structured Workouts
If you or your coach creates planned structured workouts on your Final Surge calendar, you can automatically sync your next 4 days of training to Zwift so that you can view and execute the workouts on your running or cycling device that is connected to Zwift. To turn on the Auto-Sync feature, go back to the Connected Apps page and tap on Zwift:

The following screen will appear:

Toggle on the Auto-Sync feature. Once on, each night the next 4 days of planned structured workouts will be automatically pushed to your Zwift account.
If you ever need to immediately push the next 4 days of workouts to Zwift, tap on the “Manual Workout Push” button on this screen. This will update any workouts in the 4-day window within Zwift, as well as delete any planned workouts in the 4-day window that you have already deleted on your Final Surge calendar.
Manually Pushing a Single Workout to Zwift
At any time, you can manually push a single planned structured workout on your Final Surge calendar to your Zwift account. This workout can be on any future date in Final Surge. To complete this, go to the daily view in the Final Surge app, slide the workout card to the left to expose the quick menu, top on the 3 triple dots and select “Push to Zwift”:

If you use the weekly view of the Final Surge app, tap on the workout to view the workout details screen. From there, tap on the 3 triple dots in the top right corner and then select “Push to Zwift”:

Once the workout has successfully been sent down to your Zwift account, you will see a Zwift icon displayed on the workout:

Editing & Deleting Planned Workouts in Zwift
If your planned workout schedule in Final Surge changes and you need to edit or delete a planned workout that has already synced down to Zwift that is within the next 4 days, you can make these changes in Zwift by first editing or deleting the workout on your Final Surge calendar. Once you have edited or deleted the workout in Final Surge, you can use the “Manual Workout Push” button listed on the Zwift Auto-Sync setup page in Final Surge to completely update the next 4 days of planned workouts in Zwift. This will update and/or remove any workouts in Zwift that you have edited/deleted within Final Surge in the 4-day window:

Removing Past Workouts in Zwift
Workouts in Zwift that you have pushed down from Final Surge are automatically removed once the date of the workout has passed. For example, if you have a workout in Final Surge scheduled for today that has been sent to Zwift, when you open Zwift tomorrow that workout will be removed. Once the day of the planned workout has passed, it will no longer be available in Zwift.
Finding and Starting a Workout in Zwift
There are two places you can find and start a workout in Zwift that has been pushed down from Final Surge. The first place you may see a workout from Final Surge is on your Zwift home screen (your cycling or your running home screen). If a workout you have pushed from Final Surge is scheduled for today, you will see this workout show up on the Zwift home screen and you can click on it and start it from there:

If you have more than one workout in Final Surge scheduled for today, Zwift will only show one of these workouts on the home screen and you will not see both of them.
To find your other workouts (future workouts not scheduled for today), click on the main “Workouts” link within Zwift. From there, click on “Custom” and you will see a “Final Surge” folder listed on this screen.

Click on the “Final Surge” folder to view and start any future planned workouts that you have pushed to Zwift.