We’ve recently released several new features in the Beta platform that we’re excited to share with you. The first of these is the ability to Merge and Unmerge GPS workouts that synced to the platform and paired incorrectly with a planned workout on your calendar. This functionality is also available in our iOS & Android apps which you can read about here.
Merge & Unmerge Workouts
Watch the video below to see how you can unmerge a completed GPS workout and planned workout, and then merge that GPS workout with a different planned workout on your calendar.
This video can also be viewed at any time inside the Beta platform by clicking on “Tutorials” from the main navigation.
Full Workout Details & Zone Analysis
We have also released our new full workout details page, allowing you to drill down into your workout and view all splits, charts, maps and time spent in your training zones (heart rate, power and pace). Our new details page has a lot of options that you can choose from and allows you to customize the layout that is most useful to you as an athlete or a coach. In addition, you can now view your time spent in zones from the workout Quick Preview panel as well.
Watch the video below to see how you can analyze your workouts and take advantage of all of the new functionality these features offer.